My Top 5 Goals for 2018

—— WE’VE MOVED: Check out this post on my new site! ——

So, we are more than a week into 2018! I’m so excited honestly; the year has been off to great start, including me being nominated for my first award as a blogger, the Sunshine Blogger Award, having my best day (yet) in blog stats, and meeting so many new bloggers! I also started the spring semester of my sophomore year and am just feeling so optimistic about the new year and all of the things to come in the next 12 months. I feel a bit vulnerable putting this out there but hopefully putting these out into the universe will help them come to fruition. With that being said, here are my top 5 goals for 2018!

  1. Trust

    I think many people overlook how important it is to trust yourself. In fact, it’s kind of a hard concept to wrap your head around at first, at least it was for me! Trust that what your doing in life is what you should be doing, and if you strongly feel that you need change in your life, trust that feeling and change something. Trust that you’re making the right decisions; this can help you become less indecisive — which is definitely something I need to work on (hello, Libras!)!
  2. Confidence

    This always seems like its on everyone’s “New Year’s Resolutions” list, but its just something so important, so I understand why! Being confident can lead to so many new opportunities. It’s imperative that we are confident in ourselves, I’m mean, we’re with ourselves 24/7/365 so we might as well just believe in ourselves. We’re are our own biggest critic. That mindset has to change in 2018 – we need to become our own biggest advocate! If you don’t believe in yourself, who will?
  3. Mindfulness

    Mindfulness seemed to be a buzzword in 2017, especially when it came to mindful eating! I want to become more mindful in everything I do, and learn to appreciate things more. Simply, take it easy and be humble and patient.
  4. Endurance
    Endurance – “The capacity of something to last or to withstand wear and tear.” We as humans go through so much; life throws so much at us, and what matters is how we handle and react to the situation. I want to be stronger and not let things get to me so easily. Stressful situations get the best of me sometimes. And to be honest? I’m sick of it. I want to learn how to control my thoughts and emotions when they seem to be spiraling out of control.
  5. Willpower

    I want the willpower to continue working hard, studying hard, and putting myself out there as I usually do as a blogger, student, and employee. But even more than that, I want to have the willpower to be able to continue eating well, doing my yoga/exercises, and to continue my newfound healthy lifestyle. The reason I say this is because last year around this time, I was at my heaviest! I felt awful about myself and it really affected me mentally. Since then, I have lost 18 pounds, which I am super proud of, but not only do I want to lose more, but I want to make sure I make this healthy lifestyle change into a life-long habit, not just a passing phase.

With Love,



16 thoughts on “My Top 5 Goals for 2018

  1. Happy New Year!

    I am loving your goals for this year and I’m sure you can smash all of them. No. 1 is definitely really important – I always say to follow your gut instinct, which can be hard at times, but saves you much hassle in the long run! I want to practice mindfulness this year as well. As Kendrick Lamar said, “Sit down. Be humble.”

    Best of luck with your goals ❤

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  2. I actually haven’t seen many people who have made goals like ones you’ve made. It made me really happy to read all of these and has definitely given me some things to think about adding to my own list of goals for 2018! Xx

    Liked by 1 person

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